Let me just say, for the record, I am super bummed about these scans. This looks so much better IRL. Not because I made it - but because of the fun Wild Asparagus papers and ribbons. Having said that, I like how it looks IRL:) This is for Stacey Kingman's Circle Journal "Words Worth Repeating." (I just had such a funny thought - what if I had pretended to do an entry about something so not related to the topic and then posted it?:) First of all - the CJ Stace put together is really amazing. Lots detail. Lots. So here is the main page I did. It asks: "What do Yoda, Ward Cleaver, John 3:16 & W. have in common?" Answer written lightly at the bottom...and upside down a la kids paper menus where the answer is so cleverly hidden just right there in front of ya...Answer: they all said words worth repeating. So I made 4 little books to keep all the quotes in. I counted - 60 quotes stuffed in these. Here are a few pages that I thought would scan well. There is a special thing too. HIDDEN in one of the books is a scrapbooking celebrity autograph. YES. See, so the game continues. Let me say this - NOTHING NEEDS TO COME APART to find it. Ya hear? Don't go taking anything off that is attached. I did try to scraplift elements from the other entries in mine. So if some things look familiar - they are 'posed to. For almost every quote, I put a few words as to why I like it:) So here you go Stacey. It is getting shipped out to Marlene in the morning. Hope you like it. Just remember - looks better in real life. kelli pS - for the record - I do not know how to control where these pictures land exactly...just the size. And they never look the same when I preview the message as when I post it. Just an FYI because I wouldn't want you to think I like them all un even like this:)