Homeschool - strengths, weaknesses and gym class
So I read the Homeschool for Dummies. I made notes on what I liked and what I didn't. Some people like to "just let learning happen" and some like strict order, 6 hours of time at a desk. I was in the middle. I made a list of my strengths and weaknesses: like planning, very creative, artistic, ease in teaching history and reading BUT - not computer savvy, bad speller, not so hot at math or science, bad on follow thru.
AND WHAT ABOUT P.E?? I am so horrible at very sport! Clearly - when selecting curric - I would need to keep what I wasn't strong at in mind. I did this because I just knew (and did) buy too much in the way of art and crafts resources. I am pretty good in this area - so I LIKED those resources...books, magazines and supplies. However - it was an area I could save money in because I already have a lot of ideas for crafts. I am creative - if we study something I most likely can make up things to go along with it. I stink at math and science - I knew these would be areas I needed to make sure the resources I selected were friendly to me as the teacher as well as the kids.
I made a list of the things my kids really like. At this point - it was hard to know exactly what learning styles would best suit them. David loves drawing, legos, building stuff, stories and TV. It is easy to jostle his attention. I wanted to use things that would cater to what he already likes. Alex likes computers, games, charts, messy art and science experiments. He has great attention paying skills and loves to please me. However - he likes bells and whistles to keep him interested. Sticker charts and awards motivate him. David thinks they are dumb.
I made a list of categories of learning for my kids and then I went in search of what I thought would best fit. I would imagine most people's would differ. These are not all subjects - but things to learn: Adventure Bible Study, Pledge of Allegience, Memory Verse, Journal. Calendar/Weather, Math, Home Ec., Art , Creativity, Spanish, History, Science, Reading, Night time reading, PE, Special interests.
Almost everything we do falls into these categories. Some were because they have to learn math and reading in K & 1st. Some because it is important to my family. Some because it was just something I did in school growing up and I didn't to leave it out. Now, having made these lists - it helped me wade thru the materials that are available out there. A lot of them are in that Dummies book. There are tons if you do searches on line.
I asked others what they used. I didn't really know anyone personally who homeschooled at the time. I talked to friends of friends. It was helpful to hear about the kids that were using each of these programs. I could say - YES, that sounds like my kid. Or, nice, but my David will never go for that. I will tell you the programs we selected next time. But don't let my list influence is just my list for my family. Remember - you have to find your family sweet spot. OH - that reminds me - this sounds like we must do school for like 8 hours a day. NOPE.