There is still some Jr.High part of me
that thinks getting dressed each day
is like wearing a costume
for the role to be played that day.
I think lots of days I must be playing
a homeless person
"lady without mirror"
On this day
I was getting dressed for our PTA meeting
(homeschool - school 1 day a week)
and I had to laugh at myself.
It looks like I am headed to a meeting all right...
in Candyland.
And just looking at this picture,
I'm not happy with the way I am pretty sure my neck is going to age.
Homeschool is in full swing and I am tired.
I forgot how much it wears me out.
More emotionallly than anything.
It takes me a good chunk of the afternoon to recover.
The older I get, the more downtime I seem to need.
In 10 years, I may be down to 1 productive hour a day.
And a saggie neck.
This month I have actually said:
"Max, you can be sick and lay down in bed or you can come over here and do your math."
"David, you can sit there and do your work. Or, you can sit there until you are ready to do your work. Either way, you are going to do your work. It is just a matter of how quickly you want to get on with the rest of your life."
I have on my camo pants today, boys.
Don't mess with the drill sargent.
Oh, and the $12 silver flats from Target that really put the candyland outfit over the top.
Because I, like racoons, enjoy a little inexpensive shiney.