We made our first time capsule for the year 2000.
It was pretty much just a family photo and a few items from Dec. 31 and Jan. 1.
I got the idea from my Martha Stewart Celebrations Magazine....
*(Side note in case John David reads this: I think that it should go on record that while I do, admittedly, have a bit of a magazine purchasing problem, the fact that I still have and am using ideas from a magazine purchased in 1999 should carry some weight.)
We planned to make a time capsule on the evening of ringing in the new decade: 2010.
But we were throwing up with the stomach virus instead.
So the jar just sat there....like a missed opportunity.
And then we got the cool idea to just drop random things in it all year long:
movie ticket stubs, a Yugio card, Max's "lucky rock" from a trip to visit friends in Alabama, political ads from a campaign the kids helped to work on, a stamp from a Christmas card we received, a Darth Vader sucker holder thing that looks way cooler than it works, John David's business card, a wrist band from the hospital visit where my eye dilated, a pop-cycle stick with a joke on it, a note I put into Alex's lunch when he was at camp, a silly band, the mysterious wishbone we found in our car.....
And of course, a family photo in the front of the jar so we can enjoy it on the bookshelf.
The cool thing about using a jar (which most likely came from Target) is that the kids were ok with putting in their items. It isn't like we were going to bury this in the yard with instructions not to open for 50 years. If they want the Yugio card back in case of a battle emergency, they can just unscrew the lid and take it back.
All the joy of a time capsule with none of that pesky commitment.
Of course, you could do this for a trip, a birthday, anniversary or yearly.
Or even one over the years entitled: "Stuff my family left in their pockets and then went through the wash."
Due to shelf space, we are doing this for each decade.
Max looks at the 2000 one with amazement. He wasn't here yet. It is kinda neat to him to hold something from our family before he arrived.
We've only got a few days left to make David's New Year's resolution true: "To not have the stomach virus in 2010."
Fingers crossed and Happy New Year!
* He said he supported any magazine purchase that I planned to keep and continue to use until 2020. Hmm, I should have seen that coming.