Reason #15 to own a scanner:Scanning kid art
This is Stompzilla. I creation of David's 2 years ago. I just unearthed it in a pile of kid art. I can e-mail it. (David would rather I not, seeing as how it is so 2 years ago:)
I can copy it to a cd. I can reduce it and print it out to use on a scrapbook page. (I'm gonna)
Best of all - now I just have a record of it. Gonna put it on a cd of just David's art that can scroll like a slide show.
Maybe some music. I don't know how to do this yet. But I know who to ask.
You know where this will lead? He will start doing pictures just for the computer slide show. Bet you 5 bucks right here. Right now.
Of course - I still haven't figured out about the ink cartridge thing. My Epson doesn't seem to realize there IS A NEW magenta. A NEW light magenta. Who knew my fam was so magenta?
Scanned kid art. It makes me happy.